
Quib is my first piece of art inspired by the universe, contemplating the question: where do we all come from? It represents infinite space, the unknown and incomprehensible, yet still feels like home, endearing and open to all answers.

Why a cube? Why spirals? Why fractal pieces? Why infinite expansion? These are the ways my inner child describes what home looks like and how it can be expressed without words, through form and meaning.

In essence, Quib is a cube, a geometric creation by human, symbolizing the mind and providing the perfect structure to contain and nurture infinity.

Spirals symbolize galaxies and embody the golden ratio found in nature and everything influenced by it. They originate from the empty core of the cube and evolve on each of its six faces.

Each spiral is a repetitive combination of the same master piece in exponential growth. Each piece is a fractal cell containing all the information for its own reproduction and expansion.

Quib consists of at least 72 pieces, but it can theoretically expand infinitely as spirals continue to iterate within the growing structure of the cube.

All pieces feature an internal magnet system, enabling effortless and enjoyable assembly. These are just some examples of what will occur while assembling the cube.